Blackmark (The Kingsmen Chronicles #1): An Epic Fantasy Adventure Read online

Page 59

  The three bowed in Alrashemni fashion, and strode from the hall as den’Selthir continued. “The rest of you, listen closely. We are beginning a campaign. From now on, each of you will leave this manse once a day, and travel somewhere new. A map will be kept of all locations in the training room. You will go in plain clothing to areas outside my domain, but dress as you are for areas where you may be known. We begin a war of slander against the Chancellors and this rash Elsthemi invasion.”

  The Vicoute paused, swinging his icy gaze around to take in everyone in the hall. “You will take coin from den’Thurgard, and spend it on your travels. You will drink in the taverns, gossip in the markets, visit a brothel and a smithy. You will spread word of what is happening in Lintesh, and use language such as, plot from within against our Queen, unnecessary, two-front war, reaching too far, stretching too thin, outnumbered and the like. The populace must be made to agree that this war is a terrible idea, and urge them to protest. In two weeks’ time, we will re-visit the marked areas and begin to rabble-rouse.”

  One of Arlen's more brave retainers, a brawny man named Dhuth, broke in suddenly, his voice low and his dark-browed face frowning. “But what if she's dead, Arlen?”

  The Vicoute drew a long, slow breath. The single breath of his training. “Hopefully by then, we will have confirmation of the Queen’s safety, Dhuth. Even if she’s not alive, however, we must avoid a war at all costs. I will hear suggestions in my study all day today and tomorrow from sunup to midnight. I will consider all thoughts. Get some breakfast, think of your destinations for today. Only the most minimal chores are to be observed, cooking, feeding the animals, groomsmen duties, and the smithy. If you have one of these, please plan your visit somewhere local. Telsen, engage an inventory of all weapons. Arthur, recruit as many hands at the smithy as you need to anticipate an engagement. Dismissed.”

  Palms went to hearts all around the room. More than a hundred Kingsmen-in-hiding pledging their duty, eyes flashing, finally able to retaliate after all these years. Though it was a small ripple den’Selthir had started, Dherran felt the power it created like lightning in his limbs. His own heart was hungry now, feral like a wild boar about to charge.

  Den’Selthir’s eyes pinned him, then Khenria. “Dherran, Khenria. With me. You will observe all proceedings for the next two days and keep my notes. Get dressed properly, then bring breakfast to my study. Go.”

  “Vicoute.” Khenria was bowing, one palm to Inkings that were not even there yet, her grey eyes shining for war. Dherran nodded also, feeling battle bristle in his soul.


  The adventure continues in BLOODMARK, book two of The Kingsmen Chronicles.

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  Three Days of Oblenite




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  The Man in White

  The Family

  The Grasses of Hazma-Din


  Award-winning author Jean Lowe Carlson writes adventurous epic fantasy fiction with a dark twist. Her raw worlds remind one of Patrick Rothfuss, Clive Barker, George RR Martin, Robert Jordan, and Robin Hobb. Jean holds a doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine (ND), and has a keen awareness of psychology and human behavior, using it to paint vivid characters set amidst nations in turmoil or societies with riveting secrets. Exciting, challenging, and passionate, her novels take the reader upon dire adventures while exploring deep human truths. In 2016, she was the recipient of the Next Generation Indie Book Awards Finalist medal for her dark fantasy "Tears".

  Find out more at:

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  Word Beginnings:

  Dh/Jh/Kh/Lh – Hard consonant, “h” is silent (Ex. Dherran [Dair-ren] like “dare”, Jherrick [Jair-rick] like “jester”, Khouren [Koor-en] like “kick”, Lhaurent [Lao-rahnt] like “laugh”)

  Gh/G – Hard “g” sound (Ex. Ghrenna [Gren-na], Gherris [Gair-ris] like “good”)

  Ih – Long “ee” sound (Ex. Ihbram [Ee-brum] like “helium”)

  Th – Soft “th” combination (Ex. Theroun [Thair-oon] like “thespian”)

  Uh/U – Long “oo” sound (Ex. Uhlas [Oo-las] like “tulips”)

  O – Proper “oh” sound if begins a word (Ex. Olea [Oh-lay-a] like “ocean”)

  El – Open “eh” sound (Ex. Elohl [Eh-loll] like “elephant”)

  Il – Soft “ihl” sound (Ex. Ildrian [Ihl-dree-an] like “ill”)

  Middle of Words:

  -i- If in the middle of a word, long “ee” sound (Ex. Elyasin [Ehl-ya-seen] like “do re mi”)

  Exception: Aldris [Al-dris, not Al-drees]

  -ch- Soft “sh” sound (Ex. Suchinne [Soo-sheen])

  -ou- Long “oo” sound (Ex. Roushenn [Roo-shen] like “frou-frou”)


  Alrashemnesh aere phelo Areseitya rhavesin.

  In the Alrashemni, I am of the order of True Seers righteous.

  Alrashemnari aenta trethan lheroun!

  Alrashemni keep promises theirs! (Alrashemni keep their promises.)

  Alrashemnesh aere veitriya Rakhan rhavesin.

  In the Alrashemni, I am truthfully the Battle Commander righteous.

  Alrashemnesh aere veitriya Rennkavi rhavesin.

  In the Alrashemni, I am truthfully the Binder righteous.

  Sin Rakhan. Siere tut me lhin.

  Not the Battle Commander. These are all of my sorrows. (I’m sorry.)

  Alrashemnari aere alranesh vhekhan.

  Alrashemni I am my life entire. (Long live the Alrashemni!)

  Alrashemnari aenta trethan lheroun, ahle fhis brethii!

  Alrashemni keep promises theirs, to the end bitter!

  (Alrashemni keep their promises to the bitter end!)

  PHRASES IN KHOUREK (Oasis Ghellen)

  Taile arabine ghenya shefan!

  You uncloak all your cowls! (Declare yourselves!)

  Alrashemnari… Alrahel?


  Olea dihm Alrahel?

  Olive tree of the Dawn?

  Sei Olea brethan khoum tantha Alrahel!

  She is the olive tree that brings peace with the dawn!


  Talim enenya khoum vhris.

  We mean you harm none. (We mean you no harm.)


  Alrashemni Kingsmen:

  Elohl den’Alrahel – First-Lieutenant of the High Brigade, twin to Olea

  Olea den’Alrahel – Captain-General of the Palace Guard, twin to Elohl, Fourth Captain of the Realm

  Ghrenna den’Tanuk – Kingswoman, a thief

  Dherran den’Lhust – Kingsman, a prize-fighter

  Suchinne den’Thaon – Kingswoman (deceased)

  Vargen den’Khalderian – A silversmith, Kingsman-in-hiding

  Roushenn Palace:

  Elyasin den’Ildrian – Dhenra and heir to the throne of Alrou-Mendera

  Uhlas den’Ildrian – King of Alrou-Mendera (deceased)

  Alden den’Ildrian – Dhenir of Alrou-Mendera (deceased)

  Lhaurent den’Karthus – King’s Castellan

  Jherrick den’Tharn – Corporal in the Guard

  Aldris den’Farahan – Second-Lieutenant of the Guard

; Fenton den’Kharel – First-Lieutenant of the Guard

  Theroun den’Vekir – King’s Chancellor, ex-General, Black Viper of the Aphellian Way

  Thaddeus den’Lhor – Secretary to Chancellor Theroun

  Evshein den’Lhamann – Head Chancellor

  Rudaric den’Ghen – King’s Chancellor

  Arthe den’Tourmalin – King of the Tourmaline Isles

  Khouren Alodwine – The Ghost of Roushenn

  First Abbey of Lintesh:

  Brother Temlin den’Ildrian – Second Historian of the Jenners

  Abbot Lhem den'Ulio – Abbot of the Jenners

  Abbess Lenuria den'Brae – Abbess of the Jenners

  Mollia den'Lhorissian – A Seer of the Jenners

  High Brigade:

  Ihbram den’Sennia – Second-Hand to Elohl

  Wereth den’Bhariye – A troublemaker

  Eleshen den’Fenrir – An innkeeper

  Arlus den’Pell – Captain of the High Brigade


  Grump – Friend to Dherran

  Khenria den’Bhaelen – Friend to Dherran

  Muk – A horse

  Merrow – A horse

  Vicoute Arlen den'Selthir – Vicoute of Vennet


  Luc den’Orrisian – A thief of the Fhouria Thieves’ Consortium

  Gherris den’Mal – A thief of the Fhouria Thieves’ Consortium, once Kingskinder

  Shara den’Lhoruhan – A thief of the Fhouria Thieves’ Consortium, defector from the Fleetrunners


  Therel Alramir – King of the Highlands

  Lhesher Khoum – Highsword to King Therel

  Devresh Khir – First Sword of Elsthemen

  Hahled Ferrian – One of the Brother Kings of Elsthemen


  The Vhinesse – Queen of Valenghia



  Lintesh (The King’s City) – City at the base of the Kingsmount

  Watercourse Gate – Gate of Lintesh that leads to the Elhambria Forest

  Elhambria Forest – Aka the Kingswood - by Lintesh, contains an Alran-stone in a grotto with a spring

  Elhambrian Valley – Valley at the edge of Lintesh

  Elhambrian River (The Kingsriver) – River on the border of Alrou-Mendera and Elsthemen

  Elesk (The Kingsmount) – By Lintesh

  The Eleskis (The Kingsmountains) – Border of Valenghia and Elsthemen

  Elsee – Lake in the Eleskis

  Alrashesh – First Court of the Alrashemni (Kingsmen), a city

  Valdhera – Second Court of the Alrashemni in Alrou-Mendera, a city

  Dhemman – Third Court of the Alrashemni in Alrou-Mendera, a city

  Kepsburg-on-the-Rhine – Ruins, a safe-house for the Alrashemni

  High Camp – High Brigade base camp, on the Elsee

  Arden – A city on the coast of Alrou-Mendera

  Vennet – A city on the eastern bogs, home of Vicoute Arlen den’Selthir

  Rhaventia – A city in central Alrou-Mendera

  Quelsis – A city in the foothills of Alrou-Mendera

  Fhouria – A city in southwestern Alrou-Mendera, home of Ghrenna's Consortium

  Thalanout Plain – Where most of the fighting is against Valenghia

  Aphellian Way – Site of the Black Viper's slaughter

  Lheshen Valley – In the mountains near Quelsis, has seen vicious fighting, now well-protected

  Gerrov-Tel (Mount Gerrov) – Ruins in the Kingsmountains, site of Haled's Stone

  Gerthoun – City on the border of Elsthemen and Alrou-Mendera

  Lhennian – City on the plains of Alrou-Mendera


  The Deephouse – A natural cavern, now a tavern in the bowels of Roushenn

  Small Hall – A meeting-room in the palace for dignitaries and small events

  Viewing Gallery – A portrait gallery in the palace

  West Guardhouse – The Captain’s guardhouse

  West Armory – Antiquities hall under Roushenn

  Great Hall – Aka the Throne Hall, site of large events

  Royal Galleries – A portrait gallery of the royal line

  Greenhouse – Indoor palace gardens

  Dawn Room – Private area for the King’s family

  Receiving Hall – Main reception hall at Roushenn’s entrance

  Dressing Gallery – Dressing for royal events

  Central Plaza – Main fountain and trade plaza in the city


  Lhen Fhekran – Capitol city of Elsthemen

  Fhekran Palace – Therel Alramir's palace at Lhen Fhekran

  Kherven Valley (Valley of Doors) – Leads from Alrou-Mendera to Lhen Fhekran, has ancient ruins


  Velkennish – Capitol city of Valenghia

  Palace of the Vhinesse – The White Palace in Velkennish


  Straits of Luthor – Straits through the Isles

  Isle of Luthor – Capitol island of the seven Tourmaline Isles


  Cennetia, Praough – Nations annexed by Valenghia

  Thuruman (Cape of Lost Hope) – Far eastern nation

  Ghrec (Sea of Ghrec, Ghreccan Desert) – Far eastern nation

  Lhemvian Isles – Islands in the Archipelago of Crasos

  Crasos – Island to the west of Cennetia

  Jadoun, Perthe – Southwest countries to Alrou-Mendera

  Unaligned Lands – To the northeast, nomadic lands


  Aeon – God of the Air, like Zeus

  Aeon’s sack – A curse

  Alrashemni Kingsmen – Elite fighters and peacekeepers sworn to the King of Alrou-Mendera

  Arawein – A grain, like amaranth

  Bales – How straw and raw goods are measured

  Barreloak – A stout timber tree of Alrou-Mendera

  Blackmark – A derogatory slur used for Kingsmen, refers to the mountain and stars Inking

  Byrunstone (Bluestone) – Common bluegrey stone in Alrou-Mendera

  Carrow-deer – A small deer in Alrou-Mendera, like a gazelle

  Cendarie – Like a cedar tree

  Centime – Unit of money, like a penny

  Chandria – Yellow mushrooms, edible, grow in woods

  Chirus Alrashemni (Alrashemni Inking) – “Dedicated of the Land” received after Eighth Seal

  Claw-feet – Like crampons for climbing

  Consortium – An operating group of thieves in each major city

  Courhe den’Byrune – “Heart of Bluestone”, Ghrenna’s nickname from her team

  Dragon-snaps – Like a snap-pea, but wild, edible

  Eldunne – Like an elder tree

  Eloi – A fast-climbing lizard, like a gecko

  Essenac – A pain-dampening herb

  Fennewith – A drug that is smoked, like opium, seeds can also be chewed, like fennel

  First through Eighth Seal – Rites of passage for the Alrashemni, start at age 14, end at 21

  Ghennie – A slur, refers to idle lordlings

  Halsos – Lord of the Underworld, like Hades

  Hecane – A measurement of mass, like a ton

  High Alrakhan – The ancient Alrashemni language

  Highsummer – Summer solstice

  Holy Penitence – A curse

  Hopt-ale – Like beer

  Hopt-blume – Like hops

  Jenner’s Penitent – An order of monks in Lintesh at the First Abbey

  Karthor – A vengeful god of war, like Aries

  Keshar – A large battle-cat/saber-tooth cat, like a cougar but huge

  Khehemni – A shadowy faction in opposition to the Alrashemni

  Kingskinder – Children of the Alrashemni, not yet 21

  Kipper-flisk – A river fish, like trout

  League – Mile (measurement)

  Leavonswood, bairn, ironwood
– Different kinds of trees

  Lhoru-butter – Like yak butter

  Mellon-blume wine – A sweet wine

  Mitlass – A type of wild-game stew

  Oaths of Reinstatement – Oaths Alrashemni take before the King upon their Eight Seal at age 21

  Oilcloak – Used to keep the rain off in the mountains

  Pay the Fifth Price – An Alrashemni Kingsman threat, killing five people for a transgression

  Rou – Currency of Alrou-Mendera, like the dollar

  Seeproot, vheldan, morris-blossom – More herbs for medicine, from the southwest

  Shouf – A trade grain from Alrou-Mendera